Whether you wish to purchase your first home, or you are ready to make a move to another home, there are a number of things you need to consider. These 3 key steps will help you successfully navigate through the application process, and obtain a mortgage approval and commitment from a lender.
3 key steps:
Taking a close look at your income and your expenses per month allows you to figure out how much room you have left to fit in a mortgage payment. Keep in mind that the cost of home ownership is more than the mortgage payment. There are other expenses that often get overlooked. As your Mortgage Agent, I work through all of these details and help you determine the ideal mortgage amount for your budget, without compromising your lifestyle. As we proceed through the mortgage application there will be documents you will have to provide in order for the lender to approve your application. Once these documents are reviewed and accepted by the lender, the commitment can then be issued.
Here are a few musts with respect to documents:
There will be other document requirements during the application process, and these details will be provided according to individual circumstances.